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Русский - китайский: 1000 базовых слов: I listen, I repeat, I speak : language learning course
Русский - китайский: 1000 базовых слов: I listen, I repeat, I speak : language learning course
Русский - китайский: 1000 базовых слов: I listen, I repeat, I speak : language learning course
Аудиокнига2 часа

Русский - китайский: 1000 базовых слов: I listen, I repeat, I speak : language learning course

Написано JM Gardner

Озвучено Lucie и Veronika

Рейтинг: 0 из 5 звезд


Об этой аудиокниге

The 1000 essential words. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
ИздательCompagnie Du Savoir
Дата выпуска1 янв. 2020 г.
Русский - китайский: 1000 базовых слов: I listen, I repeat, I speak : language learning course

Еще аудиокниги Jm Gardner

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