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История моей жизни
История моей жизни
История моей жизни
Аудиокнига8 часов

История моей жизни

Написано Giacomo Casanova

Озвучено Oleg Isaev

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Об этой аудиокниге

«История моей жизни» – захватывающие мемуары прославленного авантюриста XVIII века Джакомо Казановы. Он предстает перед нами "гражданином мира", энциклопедически образованным человеком и одновременно героем-любовником, неутомимым искателем приключений. Автор рисует живописную картину быта и нравов своей эпохи. Казанова был не только одним из интереснейших людей своей эпохи, но и ее отражением, ее символом.
Дата выпуска10 окт. 2010 г.
История моей жизни

Giacomo Casanova

Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798) was an Italian adventurer and author. Born in Venice, Casanova was the eldest of six siblings born to Gaetano Casanova and Zanetta Farussi, an actor and actress. Raised in a city noted for its cosmopolitanism, night life, and glamor, Casanova overcame a sickly childhood to excel in school, entering the University of Padua at the age of 12. After graduating in 1742 with a degree in law, he struggled to balance his work as a lawyer and low-level cleric with a growing gambling addiction. As scandals and a prison sentence threatened to derail his career in the church, Casanova managed to find work as a scribe for a powerful Cardinal in Rome, but was soon dismissed and entered military service for the Republic of Venice. Over the next several years, he left the service, succeeded as a professional gambler, and embarked on a Grand Tour of Europe. Towards the end of his life, Casanova worked on his exhaustive, scandalous memoirs, a 12-volume autobiography reflecting on a legendary life of romance and debauchery that brought him from the heights of aristocratic society to the lows of illness and imprisonment. Recognized for his self-styled sensationalism as much as he is for his detailed chronicling of 18th century European culture, Casanova is a man whose name is now synonymous with the kind of life he led—fast, fearless, and free.

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