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Бегущий за ветром
Бегущий за ветром
Бегущий за ветром
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Бегущий за ветром

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Ошеломляющий дебютный роман, который уже называют главным романом нового века, а его автора - живым классиком. "Бегущий за ветром" - проникновенная, пробирающая до самого нутра история о дружбе и верности, о предательстве и искуплении. Нежный, тонкий, ироничный и по-хорошему сентиментальный, роман Халеда Хоссейни напоминает живописное полотно, которое можно разглядывать бесконечно.

Амира и Хасана разделяла пропасть. Один принадлежал к местной аристократии, другой - к презираемому меньшинству. У одного отец был красив и важен, у другого - хром и жалок. Один был запойным читателем, другой - неграмотным. Заячью губу Хасана видели все, уродливые же шрамы Амира были скрыты глубоко внутри. Но не найти людей ближе, чем эти два мальчика. Их история разворачивается на фоне кабульской идиллии, которая вскоре сменится грозными бурями. Мальчики - словно два бумажных змея, которые подхватила эта буря и разметала в разные стороны. У каждого своя судьба, своя трагедия, но они, как и в детстве, связаны прочнейшими узами.

Роман стал одним из самых ярких явлений в мировой литературе последних лет. В названии своей книги писатель вспоминает традиционную забаву афганских мальчишек - сражения бумажных змеев. Победить соперников и остаться в одиночестве парить в бездонном синем небе - настоящее детское счастье. Ты бежишь за змеем и ветром, как бежишь за своей судьбой, пытаясь поймать ее. Но поймает она тебя
ИздательФантом Пресс
Дата выпуска15 сент. 2011 г.

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  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    This book was really written well. It made me cry and gave me an insight into what life in Afghanistan was like.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    I read this for the "A Sports Related Book" part of my 2019 reading challenge. I gave it a 4 because it's well written and I read it in a day and couldn't put it down, but overall I strongly dislike it and find it really depressing and traumatizing.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    Reading this book is like riding a emotional roller coaster. It is so beautifully written, no wonder it becomes a modern classic in a few short years.Bravo!
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    Too violent...
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    Face paced. Effective. Fable.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    Very moving. A solid read from start to finish and worthy of all the positive press, by and large. The author's love for his lost Afghanistan is palpable, which always gets to me (like Eva Ibbotsons paeans to pre-war Vienna). I could foretell the remainder of the plot halfway through the book, though, which always renders things less enjoyable.
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    Though carefully and dramatically crafted, this is the kind of book that makes me think it is long past timefor us to re-cross the African Savannas and hoist ourselves back up into the trees.Horror after horror, Betrayal after Betrayal, Lies, Guilt, and Grief...after....
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    OMG I love this book. It broke my heart repeatedly. Hassan has to be one of the greatest characters ever, a true angel. I love Amir's journey even though it was so painful. This is a book that needs to be read by everyone. Beautiful, beautiful, wonderful story. <3 This will stick with me forever.
  • Рейтинг: 1 из 5 звезд
    This was too hard. I threw the book. My husband thought it was wonderful and insisted on telling it to me, hoping he could tempt me to finish it. He did not.
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    Loved this book! Very memorable and well written.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    I read this for a discussion group and it is definitely a book you want to talk about wth others after you read it! It is eductational to experience so much of Afghan culture while reading it, but it is the emotionally laden story of the main character's life that really draws you in. He--Amir--had a friend in his servant and playmate Hassan, but he blew that friendship away with betrayal after betrayal--all in a misguided attempt to win his fathers love. So can someone ever make up for their past regrets? This book examines tough question s like this and that is why it will make an excellent discussion starter, and if you can have some Afghan food and/or music while you talk about it all the better!
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    A disappointment after the hype. The story begins well, with engaging descriptions of relationships and daily life. The story turns hokey, however, later on.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    I actually listened to this book with my mom on a road trip to Missouri. The author reads it and it's wonderful! You'll regret making stops, if you listen to this one on your summer road trip.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    Whew -- I flew through this. I'd resisted reading it, but wasn't surprised that it was pretty excellent. I wish one could give half stars on this site because I'd give it 4.5, but I've settled on 4, or "I really liked it," as the guidelines say. It was sad and affecting and very well done, and I can see why it's a popular favorite. I'm only withholding the 5 stars because just for reasons of personal taste and quirks it's not the sort of book that will take over my imagination and force me to shove it off on others to read. But highly recommended anyhow.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    The one thing that kept this book from being 5 stars for me was the ending, I didn't like it one bit but I must say it was realistic for the setting created.This book was great not because of the story it told but because of the emotions it caused in me. I had emotions I could not explain, I felt happiness to the point of giggling, I felt anger that wanted me to throw the book across the room and set it aflame (I didn't, obviously), and I felt a great sadness. That is why I think this book is so good. That's about all I've got, short review this time.
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    This is a great story in a time and country which is not often covered in fiction. I enjoyed it but I did feel the author was laying it on thick on the "push all emotional buttons" set of tricks, and I felt almost manipulated in parts of the book. I think I would have given it more stars had it covered the same story with a lighter touch.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    This book was the first page turner I had read in a while. I can't seem to learn history/current events without a good story, and the Kite Runner fulfilled all the requirements for me.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    Awesome. Read this book. It may make you cry(i did). This book is very different than most of the books that i read but i really liked it and highly recommend it.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    A truly beautiful book. When I read this novel, I did not expect to be moved to tears, but I was. I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    Wow -just.wow. Have tissues ready- this gets intense.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    I read this several years ago. I loved it. Struggle, guilt, sacrifice, triumph, ....it has it all.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    Despite the fact that this is not the type of book I would typically choose to read (similar to my experience with Cold Mountain), I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was beautifully written and totally engrossing. Equally important, it was highly educational. In our current geopolitical climate, it can only be a positive for Americans and Europeans to become more familiar with life and customs in this region.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    I was given this book by a friend who studies the Middle East and we were both amazed by the vivid and realistic images it produced of Afghanistan. I feel like this novel made Afghanistan a real place for me, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to humanize this place we Americans typically only see as a place where our soliders fight on TV.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    Although I thought this was an excellent story, I found it lacked the tenderness of A Thousand Splendid Suns and because of this I found it a bit more brutal and depressing. Still a great read though.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    instant classic! Though it teeters off in the end overall this is one of the best books yet!
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    I found parts of The Kite Runner to be deeply disturbing. That said, it was an excellent read, more gritty than Reading Lolita in Tehran though in the same vein, if ‘memoirs from troubled Islamic countries’ is a genre. I loved the insights into Kabul before the Russian invasion, as well as into America’s Afghani expat community. The descriptions of Afghanistan under the Taliban were more what I expected, although equally engrossing (if much more gruesome).Like Afghanistan’s recent history, the novel is made up of tragedy after tragedy. Still, Hosseini manages to infuse the book with a sense of hope, a melancholy that Hosseini describes as part of the Afghani national character. The novel ends on the cusp of Hamid Karzai’s transitional government, a hopeful time for the Afghani-American community Hosseini describes. I wonder whether that hope would be tainted now, 7 years later with no lasting peace in sight. In any case, the book was heart-wrenching (I cried, buckets), and made me achingly nostalgic for a city and a culture that no longer exists. Well worth the read, especially with current affairs the way they are.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    Colleagues recommended this and after I'd read it, we saw the movie version together. One colleague said she bawled her eyes out. Though this was a sad read, I did not feel it so within my core that I had to cry as well. I kept dry eyes. Some of the narrator's motivations make me think I will never really understand men. I especially appreciated the opportunity to read about "real" Afghans, though. And I'm glad I saw the movie, to add to the imagery all those components my mind was incapable of forming without that familiarity with a distant land.
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    Fascinating story of an Afghan immigrant who sacrifices much in order to put right an old wrong. A bit sprawling, and at times graphic, but still touching.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    A very intense read, but completely worth it! A great story of friendship and redemption, set in war torn Afghanistan. Some great insight into life for the people of that country.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    Everyone should read this book. Everyone. It's brimming with life and loss, tragedy, humanity and hope against all odds—even when all sense of hope has been lost. It's not what I'd call a light read but I had a hard time putting it down. And the characters—so real you can almost see them—will remain etched in my memory forever... well after I've forgotten their names. And did I mention I thought this book was absolutely brilliant? :-)