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Influence Psychotechnics: The Secrets of Spies
Influence Psychotechnics: The Secrets of Spies
Influence Psychotechnics: The Secrets of Spies
Аудиокнига1 час

Influence Psychotechnics: The Secrets of Spies

Написано David Leroy

Озвучено Stanislav Ivanov

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Об этой аудиокниге

Surely you've not once heard or read that the possibilities are endless in our body. Indeed, one can observe how in critical situations people raises "impossibly high" severity, does not freeze in the icy water, well-versed in space, lost vision, paints, draw pictures without hands, or suddenly refuses to fly to the long-awaited planned vacation and still alive, as the plane on which he purchased a ticket, it is broken.

Such examples are many. The man - a wonderful creature. He is capable of much, just need to wake up his hidden features. This is possible with the help of psycho. What is a psycho-technique? How to use them? All this and will talk in this audiobook.
ИздательAB Publishing Audio
Дата выпуска21 июл. 2017 г.
Influence Psychotechnics: The Secrets of Spies

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