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Fathers and Sons [Russian Edition]
Fathers and Sons [Russian Edition]
Fathers and Sons [Russian Edition]
Аудиокнига7 часов

Fathers and Sons [Russian Edition]

Написано Ivan Turgenev

Озвучено Boris Hasanov

Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд



Об этой аудиокниге

When Arkady Petrovich returns home from college, his father finds his eager, naïve son changed almost beyond recognition, for the impressionable Arkady has fallen under the powerful influence of the friend he has brought home with him. A self-proclaimed nihilist, the ardent young Bazarov shocks Arkady's father with his criticisms of the landowning way of life and his determination to overthrow the traditional values of contemporary society. Vividly capturing the hopes and fears, regrets and delusions of a changing Russia around the middle of the 19th century, Fathers and Sons is Ivan Turgenev's masterpiece.
ИздательAB Publishing
Дата выпуска21 июл. 2017 г.
Fathers and Sons [Russian Edition]

Ivan Turgenev

Ivan Turgenev was a Russian writer whose work is exemplary of Russian Realism. A student of Hegel, Turgenev’s political views and writing were heavily influenced by the Age of Enlightenment. Among his most recognized works are the classic Fathers and Sons, A Sportsman’s Sketches, and A Month in the Country. Turgenev is today recognized for his artistic purity, which influenced writers such as Henry James and Joseph Conrad. Turgenev died in 1883, and is credited with returning Leo Tolstoy to writing as the result of his death-bed plea.

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