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Мышонок Ми, мышонок Ми и рыжая бестия.
Мышонок Ми, мышонок Ми и рыжая бестия.
Мышонок Ми, мышонок Ми и рыжая бестия.
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Мышонок Ми, мышонок Ми и рыжая бестия.

Автор Luba Brezhnev

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Об этой электронной книге

Это история про двух мышат по имени Си и Ми и рыжего мальчика, который однажды объявил им войну. Обе стороны враждовали до тех пор, пока "рыжая бестия" не обнаружила, что мышата, будучи прекрасными музыкантами, могут научить его играть на рояле. С этого момента было заключено перемирие. Музыка помогла им стать друзьями.

ИздательLuba Brezhnev
Дата выпуска25 янв. 2015 г.
Мышонок Ми, мышонок Ми и рыжая бестия.

Luba Brezhnev

My dear readers, my name is Luba Brezhnev. I am a writer and a journalist. My book "The World I Left Behind" was published by Random House and made it into the New York best-selling authors list. It was recommended by the McLaughlin Group as one of the best twelve books of the year. My next book, published in Moscow, also became a bestseller. Now I'm writing books for children. Why did I begin to write for children? First of all, because I love children very much. Of course, the stores today are filled with many entertaining books for children. Some are very well written, but I wanted to write books that would teach children to live according to their conscience and stand up for those who have been treated unfairly. I wanted to write books about benevolence, morality, and the ability to love others and be a true friend. In our days, the moral development of the younger generations is a pressing issue. I view writing for children as a serious responsibility. My books are about kindness, about compassion for the weak, about respect for oneself and for others. They teach lessons about courtesy and tolerance. I hope very much that my heroes will touch the hearts of young readers and their parents.

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