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Not-so-smart Meters
Do you have a smart meter? Of course you do. You’ve been badgered to convert to one by your energy company, and by all those pictures of smiling happy people with miraculously lowered fuel bills, until you gave in. It’s free, after all. That is, ‘fre
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Twenty or so years ago, I had a splendid lunch at La Famiglia in Chelsea with the late Alvaro Maccioni. The restaurant’s illustrious owner, since the 1960s he had counted A-list celebrities not just as customers, but as friends. While Alvaro was a pr
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Virginia Ironside
Q I’ve been asked to sketch out a family tree from the 1800s to put up at my aunt’s 80th birthday. I’ve had quite a bit of experience with genealogy and, as we are a very fertile family, there’s a lot of work to do. My problem is that one of my cousi
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In An English Country Garden
Rousham in Oxfordshire is renowned as one of the greatest gardens in the country. It’s famed worldwide for its pioneering planning and planting, by the great master of the softening craft William Kent. Venus Vale comes first; a long and gentle valley
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Big Thrills By The Little Ouse
Every day, those of us fortunate enough to be mobile walk short distances because we have to. Usually to a car door, bus stop or railway station. But I rarely take a substantial walk out of necessity. This month, I did. My car was broken and my local
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Archduke Franz Ferdinand's doctor
On 28th June 1914 – 110 years ago -Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated, sparking off the First World War. My great-uncle Dr Richard Pollak tried to save his life. In 1951, when I was four, my parents took my older brother Michael and
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Double Trouble
The Quality of Love: Twin Sisters at the Heart of the Century By Ariane Bankes Duckworth £18.99 In 1935, Norman Parkinson photographed two lovely twin sisters wearing ruffles and with their beautiful profiles shown to best advantage. The celebrated P
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Death By Cricket
As the new cricket season gets under way, the injuries in the England cricket team – Ben Stokes’s knee, Jofra Archer’s elbow, Jack Leach’s back and knee – are a reminder that the game is fraught with danger. Even the kitbag is called a coffin. Cricke
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Readers' Letters
SIR: I’ve never written to a publication before, but I was rather annoyed to read the letter from Richard Langridge (Hands off my Oldie, Spring issue) where he berates his wife for rushing him through his reading of The Oldie. His patronising comment
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Silver linings, anyone? Our unusually wet spring and straitened national circumstances might combine to preserve this year’s roadsides from the municipal lawnmower. So our native wildflowers can set seed, go forth and multiply for the benefit of thos
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My Brief Career In Apartheid South Africa
My first job was as a clerk to a South African judge during apartheid. Green as grass, I was outraged when he sentenced Xhosa, who’d raped a white woman, to death, but gave a suspended sentence to man who had raped and beaten his 11-year-old niece wh
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Danger! Avoid bosom-bunching
No offence, but many oldies heading for the sun may now be cringing at the thought of exposing themselves. The beach will force a moment of truth for those whose figures have gone. Whether we let our figures go, or they went of their own accord, is a
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Peaceful London Is The Place For Me
If you’re not one its eight million inhabitants, then you might be forgiven for thinking the capital city has become a sort of lawless no-go zone. The papers suggest it’s something out of Mad Max, in which armed gangs roam the rubbish-strewn streets,
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Lord Morris of Aberavon KG KC (1931-2023)
Lord Falconer of Thoroton KC, the former Lord Chancellor, gave a tribute for Lord Morris of Aberavon, the last surviving member of Harold Wilson’s Cabinet, at St Margaret’s, Westminster. As John Morris, he was Secretary of State for Wales, 1974-79, a
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Viennese Whirl
Of all the oddities that make The Third Man so compelling, the oddest is that its sublime Vienna setting was an accident. If things had gone differently, the film – released 75 years ago, on 31st August 1949 – would have been set in London. The origi
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Tessa Castro
FOR COMPETITION No 306 it was time for the annual, ever popular challenge of bouts-rimés, writing a poem with specified rhyme words in order. The rhyme scheme was based on a poem beginning ‘Set me whereas the sun doth parch the green’ by Henry Howard
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My Smallholding Hits The Big Screen
Living with elderly parents when you are well into your extremely early fifties is devastating. It gives you an endless look into what fate has in store for you. Am I really 30 years away from walking with a frame; tripping over my layabout son’s Moo
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OLDIE NOVEL OF THE MONTH Irish emigrant's lament
Long Island Colm Tóibín Picador £20 If you really squint, the chasm between Colm Tóibín and Simon Bates can shrink to nothing. Imagine the ardent strings of Radio 1’s Our Tune sawing away under the story of a teenage girl from provincial Ireland sent
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The Oldie
Editor Harry Mount Sub-editor Penny Phillips Art editor Michael Hardaker Supplements editor Charlotte Metcalf Editorial assistant Amelia Milne Publisher James Pembroke Patron saints Jeremy Lewis, Barry Cryer At large Richard Beatty Our Old Master Dav
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English, The Passport To Everywhere
Like many people, I suspect, I have mixed feelings about the migrants who arrive in Kent on dinghies. Yes, it’s illegal, dangerous and the numbers are concerning; but wouldn’t you also be sorry for individuals and families who take huge risks to find
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One sunny Monday morning in May, something unexpected happened in downtown Manhattan. The Empire State Building, the proud architectural symbol of American life, was lit up with, of all things, an ad for a cricket tournament. Flicking the switch to c
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Pitzhanger Manor & Gallery, to 4th August YOSHIDA: THREE GENERATIONS OF JAPANESE PRINTMAKING Dulwich Picture Gallery, 19th June to 3rd November Pitzhanger Manor was Sir John Soane’s country house, now long engulfed by Ealing in West London. The archi
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Calm Downsizing
'Are you downsizing?’ asked the estate agent sympathetically, as I squeezed past her to view a potential flat. As a fellow oldie, she had guessed right. Like thousands before me, I was having to face up to the fact that the time had come (accelerated
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The Old Un's Notes
Happy 100th birthday to Roy Cross, the artist who painted the iconic covers of Airfix models – so close to the heart of so many oldies now. Roy turned 100 on St George’s Day. In 1942, when Roy was only 18, he had his first published work with line dr
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Holy Rock'n'roller
Is there anything you can’t leave home without? A travelling knife and fork. Is there something you really miss? The dogs. I’d love to take the dogs on tour, like Maria Callas. Do you travel light? After touring from my 20s to my 60s, it’s now a fine
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Olden Life
Kensington News? Kensington Church Street in London was part of the Swinging Sixties – especially the lower end, when Biba the boutique arrived 60 years ago, in 1964. But, in the less fashionable bit near Notting Hill Gate, there was a business that
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One of the 20th century’s most innovative record producers, John Culshaw, was born 100 years ago this May into a modest family in coastal Merseyside. Like several historically important record producers, he was not a trained musician. He was, however
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Thanks For The Memories
Patrick O’Higgins’s birth in Paris has an almost Whartonesque quality: he was Irish on his philandering father’s side, rich French and patrician American on his mother’s … and born in a mansion off the Avenue Kléber. While the wave of new art, music,
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Roman Holiday from Hell
After 30 years of office life, I was deluded enough to believe I was owed a sabbatical – in fact, four if I was to be fallow like a field in the seven-year cycle laid down in the Torah. After the publishing grind of four bibulous lunches and two book
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‘Unlucky,’ said dummy. ‘I’d have got the hearts wrong, too.’ ‘Thanks,’ said declarer. He then turned to Mrs Voyant, a shrewd player who’d been kibitzing. ‘Claire,’ he asked, ‘Should I have got that right?’ (1) Weak two, showing 5-10 points and a dece

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