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Приключения Тома Сойера
Приключения Тома Сойера
Приключения Тома Сойера
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Приключения Тома Сойера

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«Приключения Тома Сойера» – роман Марка Твена о приключениях мальчика, растущего в вымышленном небольшом американском городке в штате Миссури. Действие романа происходит до событий Гражданской войны в США между штатами Севера и Юга, то есть до 1861 года.
Том Сойер – мальчик примерно десятилетнего возраста, живет у тети Полли, сестры своей покойной матери. Является предводителем городских мальчишек в их развлечениях. «Лучший драчун и самый находчивый мальчик в городе». В романе описываются различные приключения Тома и его друзей на протяжении нескольких месяцев.
В ходе этих приключений он успевает провернуть коммерческую операцию в воскресной школе, найти свою любовь – Бекки Тэтчер, стать свидетелем убийства и разоблачить убийцу, убежать из дома, чтобы стать пиратом и пожить на острове, заблудиться в пещере и благополучно выбраться из нее, найти драгоценный клад стоимостью в двенадцать тысяч долларов и разделить его со своим другом Гекльберри Финном.
Книга стала весьма популярной среди подростков. При этом, Марк Твен утверждал, что произведение предназначено взрослым читателям.
После опубликования романа, в США сформировался мем: «Дело Тома Сойера». Так называют бизнес, в котором нужно работать самому и к тому же еще платить за свою работу организатору бизнеса. Нечто подобное происходит с персонажами во второй главе книги, где Том Сойер убеждает своих сверстников, что побелка забора – настолько ответственная и почетная работа, что он может уступить ее лишь временно и за плату.
Перед вами первый перевод произведения на русский язык – лучший существующий перевод, написанный русским писателем и переводчиком Михаилом Энгельгардтом, живым, образным языком.
Дата выпуска19 мар. 2017 г.

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  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    This tells the story of a boy, Tom Sawyer, and his best friend, Huck Finn, and some of the adventures they get into. Some of those adventures include ghosts, haunted houses and treasure. I listened to an audio version of this one, narrated by William Dufris. The narrator was very good with amazing expressions, but my mind wandered, anyway. The one mostly couldn't hold my interest. Because of that, I missed a lot, so initially, it almost felt like these were short stories, rather than a novel. A lot of the same characters did return later, and I think storylines were picked up again later, but it was hard to connect everything because I just hadn't focused enough. However, the parts of the book that I did catch, I thought were cute. And, I have to give bonus points for the narrator, so an “o.k.” 3 stars it is.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    A young criminal mastermind-in-training gets into mischief with his disreputable neighborhood friends.
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    I read this book in my 6th grade. The story was gripping but not my favorite.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    Even though this book is well over a century old it still holds up! It's funny, witty, and remarkably insightful into the head of a mischievous young boy. The games, and clothes, and manners may have changed; but kids would still be easily able to relate to the games that Tom Sawyer and his friend Huckleberry Finn play. From pirates to adventurers, they know how to have fun with practically nothing but their imagination. And the trouble, lord these two boys know how to get in trouble and worry their families half to death. From running away, getting lost in caves, witnessing a murder and more, Tom Sawyer is the king of trouble. A must read classic!
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    Borderline 3.5 stars, but not quite. Mainly because I didn't begin to truly enjoy the story until 2/3 of the way through.

    This is the first time I have ever read Mark Twain, and wanted to read this as a precursor to Huck Finn. I respect Mark Twain and his influence on many popular authors. For me, this particular novel does not hold water against some of the other American greats (Steinbeck, Edgar Allen Poe, Hawthorne, Harriet Beecher Stowe, etc).

    A lot can be said in regards to the portrayals of African-Americans and Native Americans in the book (particularly the character "Injun Joe"), and Tom Sawyer is often censored or banned due to the language. Without a doubt, parts of the novel were certainly uncomfortable to this modern reader. I actually appreciated this, as it gives a glimpse of what life was like--from the perspective of Mississippi River dwelling, Southern, white children--in the pre-Civil War South. Racism and all. I enjoyed the satirical approach and exaggeration to some of the customs and superstitions of that community during that time period.

    Having said that, I concurrently read some of Twain's (Sam Clemens') other writings on American Indians, and it is atrocious. Product of the times or not, it left a bitter aftertaste while reading Sawyer. Hence the 3 stars.

    I do feel any use of this text in school should include a discussion on racism, fear, discrimination, freedom, etc.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    I think I was supposed to read this in college. But never did. There were more important things to do like... (never mind).It was time to make up for the mistakes of my youth and take in a classic. That the audiobook was narrated by Nick Offerman was a bonus that moved Tom Sawyer to the top of my to-read list.
  • Рейтинг: 2 из 5 звезд
    Cruciaal is de ontmoeting met Huckleberry Finn. Vinnige dialogen; Mooie impressie van jongensachtige gevoelens en leefwereld, genre Witte van Zichem (Claes is duidelijk maar een doordrukje van Twain). Toch maar matig boek.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    I am adding this book as one of our family read-alouds. While often read by high school students as "classic" literature, this book proved a hit with my family audience, ages 8, 14,17 and middle aged.
    It is funny and suspenseful and the characters are vivid, all requirements for making it on our read aloud picks.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    One of the books that I thought I had read but hadn't. It rushes along, adventure after adventure, capturing what it is is to be a child growing up.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    I'd forgotten what a little trouble maker Tom was. It was a nice enjoyable read.
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    My advice would be to drop whatever you're reading and read this now, before you're thirty-eight and can appreciate it but never love it.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    One point less for mocking Christianity
  • Рейтинг: 2 из 5 звезд
    Cruciaal is de ontmoeting met Huckleberry Finn. Vinnige dialogen; Mooie impressie van jongensachtige gevoelens en leefwereld, genre Witte van Zichem (Claes is duidelijk maar een doordrukje van Twain). Toch maar matig boek.
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    I think Mark Twain is overrated.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    My dad read this book to me as a kid and I loved it. I had the best time re-reading it as an adult - remembering parts of the dialogue I knew by heart and enjoying the social satire bits that don't always register when you're a kid. A classic!
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    I really doubted this book would be a thriller, or energetic to read. This book makes you want to fall asleep while reading it. I am so sorry, but this book had so many POV'S I could not keep up. MY REVIEW; This book was a serious letdown. I thought there would be more action because it tells about a boys and his friends life in this story. NO ACTION. I liked some parts like when they were trying to find treasure and couldn't find it for like 3 chapters! No. Terrible absolutely did not like the writing. There was also different related stories to read while you finish Tom Sawyer but I decided NOT to read it.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    I had never read the Adventures of Tom Sawyer except in a childhood version in Golden Books or something like that. I skipped right over to read Huck Finn. While this is definitely a children's book in many ways, Twain writes in such a way that adults still enjoy Tom and his picaresque adventures, both as nostalgia for our own childhoods and because the adult voice of Twain cannot help inserting his snide commentaries on humanity.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    Never read this during all my school years so I thought I had to give it a shot. I was surprised. I found the book to be rather enjoyable and unlike many other "classics" that fail to live up to the hype. A great story and definitely a classic.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    Why had I never read this classic before?... who knows! But i'm glad I have now read it and will move right into listening to the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    Always preferred this to Huckleberry Finn--which puts me on the wrong side of just about everybody else's opinion. If the ending in the caves doesn't get your pulse racing, you probably don't have one. Found a beautiful like-new copy of the Heritage Edition, with color plates and numerous illustrations by Norman Rockwell.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    Looking over the reviews of this book I noticed that they swing from being 'a classic account of boys on the loose in frontier America' to 'I want to punch Tom Sawyer in the face.' One reviewer has commented on how is mum owned a dog-eared copy of this book from before he was born to after he left home to go to college (and if he doesn't want it, I'll be more than happy to take it off his hands) which made me realise how our parent's taste in literature can and does differ from our own. I grew up knowing about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, but I have never actually read the books, and to be honest, never even realised that there was a book wholly dedicated to Tom Sawyer until a couple of years ago, and based on my parents collection of books (namely Hard Science-fiction, which is not surprising for a father who is a physicist, and detective fiction dominated by Agatha Christie) the works of Mark Twain never really entered my sphere of influence.However I recently picked up a collection of his works and decided to see what these stories were about, and I must admit that I actually quite enjoyed this tale of mischievous boyhood. Seriously, letting the entire town grieve for your death and then rocking up at your funeral really does take some guts, and I must admit that it would have been something I would have loved to have done when I was a kid. In fact, the impression that I get from this story is that it is simply Samuel Clements (using a psuedonym) recounting a lot of the mischief he and his friends got up to as children but rolling it all into one character so as to protect the guilty.There are two things that really stand out to me about this book and the first is that I found it very readable, which is something that I generally do not expect from 19th Century literature. True Clements does get bogged down into detail, but there is enough action to keep us interested, and the banter among the main characters it really enjoyable to follow, particularly when Sawyer convinces young Becky Thatcher to become engaged to him, explaining to her what engagement is from a conservative, respectful, point of view. The second thing that stood out was that it gives us a very clear view of a time gone by, an age of innocence in the American mid-west. In a way it takes us away from the troubles of today and puts us in a world where things did not seem as bad.Granted, there is a murder, and there are troubles with children getting lost in caves, but even then, we glimpse a more innocent time in the United States, though there are a few interesting quotes, such as Negroes always being liars (which raises the question of whether Samuel Clements was a southern sympathiser, despite the book being written after the Civil War, though the events are flagged as being set prior to the said war). I also see a number of influences on children's literature of today, not to say that people didn't write books for children back then, but he does say at the beginning that while this book is written for boys, he does hope that adults would enjoy this story as well.I must finish off about the story of whitewashing the fence, which is the first event in the book. Poor Tom has got himself into trouble, and has been punished by having to paint the fence, something he does not want to do, but somehow he manages to get others to do it in his stead. He does this trick (I believe) by asking somebody to pay him for the privilege, and Clements then points out afterwards that if we are paid to do something, then it is considered work, and is dull and boring, but if we pay to do something, then it is entertainment and we do it with gusto, so his theory is that if we get people to pay to do the things we don't want to do, then we will get things done a lot better and a lot quicker, than we would otherwise (and there have been movies made about how people pay to become ranchers), but I suspect that this is something that only foolish boys would do, and us adults are (I hope) probably a lot smarter than this, though I do actually wonder about it sometimes (such as celebrities paying to sleep out on the streets, seriously, if you really want to experience poverty, then give up all your riches - don't give it up for a short time, that, to me, is little more than a publicity stunt).
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    I have heard about this American classic for so long, and I love other Twain books, I thought it was going to be the end all of end alls, but I was disappointed.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    Title Tom SawyerAuthor Mark TwainIllustrator nonePublisher Create space independent publishingDate 2014Pages 272Summary of plot: Tom Sawyer lives with his Aunt Polly and his half brother Sid. After Tom played hooky from school his clothes got dirty in a fight and his punishment. Tom falls in love with Becky Thatcher who is a new girl in town and they get engaged then Tom accompanies Huck Finn the son of the town drunk, Tom and Huck go on many adventures through this book.Tags and subject headings would be friendship and love.My response: I liked this book my favorite part of this book is Tom and Becky their relationship throughout this book. I also enjoyed the language in this book how they talked back then.
  • Рейтинг: 2 из 5 звезд
    underwhelmed by this book. not sure why this is so famous and considered a classic.
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    This was okay. I really found it slow and dragging at times just like Huck Finn. I didn't really like Tom. Huck Finn is a more funny storyteller. I think this is more of a boy's book and also good for the big screen.
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    Great Starter

    Just getting back to reading in earnest, figured I'd start with some classics. Still twinge at the "n" word, but it's a cultural sign of those times. Imagination and exploration. Kids used to have it. Kids used to could explore.
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    I tried reading this back in grade school and got stuck on the dialect. Either I have gotten better at reading dialect or this one did not have as much. Anyway, the story was actually more fun than I would have thought and was less episodic than many novels from the same time period, but I still would have liked a tighter story.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    This is a classic tale about Tom Sawyer and his adventures with his friend Huckleberry Finn. After he dirties his clothes in a fight and is made to whitewash the fence as punishment, he tricks his friends to do it for him. Tom and Huck go to the graveyard at night and witness a murder of Dr. Robinson. Tom, Huck and Joe Harper run away to an island where they have a lot of fun. Tom sneaks back home one night and finds out that the whole town think they're dead. He comes to his funeral and they see him. Tom testifies against Muff Potter and Injun Joe but Injun joe runs away. In the summer Tom and Huck go hunting for buried treasure, Tom becomes an anonymous hero when he gets help for the Widow Douglas. Tom and Becky get lost in a cave and they see Injun Joe but he doesn't see them. When the two find their way our Judge Thatcher has the cave sealed and accidentally traps Injun Joe inside. Tom and Huck find the gold and Tom tricks Huck to go back to the Widow Douglas.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    It is truly remarkable that Twain's classic, and his greater masterpiece, Huck Finn, remain on recommended reading lists for today's school students. The adventures of Tom and Huck run anathema to progressive, pedagogic wisdom, which dictates that in order to lead a fulfilling life, one has to attend the controlled boredom called public schooling. When Tom does manage to drag himself out of bed, he barely lasts until lunchtime, captured for a few hours by the charm of attractive Becky Thatcher. Huck possesses the good sense to not bother going in the first place.Our country's sorry ship of state would align itself properly if our children be allowed to emulate these timeless heroes' quest for self knowledge and real learning. Let us begin by eliminating compulsory incarceration in order to restore the power of individual, critical thinking.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    i absolutely loved it!