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Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault
Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault
Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault
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Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault

Автор Charles Perrault

Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд



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An iconic collection of fairy tales from the master of storytelling Charles Perrault including some of his best work: Little Red Riding-Hood, The Sleeping Beauty, Puss in Boots, Little Thumb, Cinderella, Blue Beard.
ИздательInteractive Media
Дата выпуска15 нояб. 2015 г.
Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault

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  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    I actually read these while I was in France, but I reread a couple of them this week while my online group was discussing them. The online discussion reminded me how dark these stories were, full of violence and terror and unpredictability. The things we face in life, in other words. The things we seek out in books.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    i didn't realize that perrault had written so few stories. anderson and grimm have huge volumes. it's interesting to see the differences in stories. an interesting history by betts. i chose this book because it was illustrated by dore. we saw his great summer exhibition at the nag this past summer.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    This is a brilliant book, with amazing but terrifying engravings by Dore. This edition of Perrault's fairy tales also include morals which read like rhyming verse, my favourite was the LRRH moral. This book is well worth the money if you are interested in fairy tales and the associated illustrations.
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    Not the most enchanting edition (Clarion, 1993) of these tales I would have thought, but it gets the job done.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    The stories are beautiful enough, but the Dore illustrations are breathtaking...
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    This contains not only the regular tales, but also three summaries of poems, one of which (Donkey's Skin) was the basis of a recent fantasy. Of the original stories, my personal favorite is Puss in Boots. Some of the others e.g. Hop o;my thumb, are rather grisly.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    The complete fairy tales of Charles PerraultLiked hearing of the stories and also about the author who wrote these in the 1670's. Some of them are quite scary and gruesome and they all come with a moral or two at the end.Had never heard of Bluebeard and Hop of My Thumb and Donkeyskin.About the author and translations done are included at the end.I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    Charles Perrault, a minor government official in 17th century France, is best remembered today for the collection of fairy tales he published in 1697, just six years before his death. Perrault, however, was not the author of any of the tales collected in his book. Rather, he rewrote various folk tales, tales of unknown origin snatched from the oral tradition of his time, and published those stories in the versions that most closely resemble the ones children grow up on today.This new Christopher Betts translation of Perrault’s work presents a few of the stories in simple verse, the rest in prose, and it includes an all-star list of fairy tales. Among the stories in “The Complete Fairy Tales” are: “Little Red Riding-Hood,” “Sleeping Beauty,” “Bluebeard,” “Puss in Boots,” “Cinderella,” and a story very similar to that of ”Hansel and Gretel.” But make no mistake about it – these are not the fairy tales you heard from your mother and they are, most definitely, not the ones made famous by Mr. Disney. Nevertheless, Perrault did intend that his stories be read to small children by their parents. For that reason, his versions of the folk tales are shorter than the stories with which adults of the period would have been more familiar, they encompass a limited number of characters and motivations, and much of the most obvious sexual content has been removed or, at the least, disguised. In addition, within his stories, Perrault emphasizes lessons and warnings about the process of growing up and he attaches at least one moral to the end of each tale. The attached morals, however, do seem to be aimed more at the parent/reader than at the listening children.Adult readers will be intrigued by the editing process to which Perrault subjected his chosen tales and probably a little shocked by some of the details he excluded. Perrault clearly felt it necessary to clean up the old folk tales before publishing them as children’s entertainment. Who might have imagined, for instance, that Snow White would be raped by her prince and would give birth to twins before she was awakened? Or that Little Red Riding-Hood would be forced by the wolf to eat part of her dismembered grandmother? Or that incest would play a prominent role in some of the tales?“The Complete Fairy Tales” includes twenty-six remarkable illustrations by 19th century French literary illustrator Gustave Doré (including the book’s cover and the “Cinderella” illustration shown here) and it is amply footnoted. Most intriguing, though, is the book’s presentation of alternate versions of several of today’s most beloved fairy tales, versions that make it obvious why Perrault felt obliged to edit the tales to fit his intended audience. Readers preferring their history in unexpurgated form will much appreciate “The Complete Fairy Tales” as translated by Christopher Betts.Rated at: 5.0

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Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault - Charles Perrault



Жила - была в одной деревне маленькая девочка, такая хорошенькая, что лучше её и на свете не было. Мать любила ее без памяти, а бабушка еще больше.

Ко дню рождения подарила ей бабушка красную шапочку. С тех пор девочка всюду ходила в своей новой, нарядной красной шапочке. Соседи так про нее и говорили:

-Вот Красная Шапочка идет!

Как-то раз испекла мама пирожок и сказала дочке:

- Сходи-ка, Красная Шапочка, к бабушке, снеси ей этот пирожок и горшочек масла, да узнай, здорова ли она.

Собралась Красная Шапочка и пошла к бабушке в другую деревню.

Идет она лесом, а навстречу ей - серый Волк.

Очень захотелось ему съесть Красную Шапочку, да только он не посмел – где-то близко стучали топорами дровосеки. Облизнулся волк и спрашивает девочку:

- Куда ты идешь, Красная Шапочка?

А Красная Шапочка ещё не знала, как это опасно – останавливаться в лесу и разговаривать с волками. Поздоровалась она с волком и говорит:

- Иду к бабушке и несу ей вот этот пирожок и горшочек масла.

- А далеко ли живет твоя бабушка? – спрашивает волк.

- Довольно далеко, - отвечает Красная Шапочка. - Вон в той деревне, за мельницей, в первом домике с краю.

- Ладно, - говорит Волк, -я тоже хочу проведать твою бабушку. Я по этой дороге пойду, а ты ступай по той. Посмотрим, кто из нас раньше придет.

Сказал это Волк и побежал что было духу по самой короткой дорожке.

А Красная Шапочка пошла по самой длинной дороге. Шла она не торопясь, по пути останавливалась, рвала цветы и собирала в букеты.

Не успела она еще до мельницы дойти, а Волк уже прискакал к бабушкиному домику и стучится в дверь:


- Кто там? - спрашивает бабушка.

-Это я, внучка ваша, Красная Шапочка, - отвечает Волк. - Я к вам в гости пришла, пирожок принесла и горшочек масла.

А бабушка была в то время больна и лежала в постели. Она подумала, что это и в самом деле Красная Шапочка, и крикнула:

- Дерни за веревочку, дитя мое,- дверь и откроется!

Волк дернул за веревочку - дверь и открылась.

Бросился Волк на бабушку и разом проглотил ее. Он был очень голоден, потому что три дня ничего не ел.

Потом закрыл дверь, улегся на бабушкину постель и стал поджидать Красную Шапочку. Скоро она пришла и постучалась:


- Кто там? - спрашивает Волк.

А голос у него грубый, хриплый.

Красная Шапочка испугалась было, но потом подумала, что

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