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Семь Наивных Философских Вопросов (философское эссе)
Семь Наивных Философских Вопросов (философское эссе)
Семь Наивных Философских Вопросов (философское эссе)
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Семь Наивных Философских Вопросов (философское эссе)

Автор Chris Myrski

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In Russian. Сначала Содержание |
0. Вводные замечания | 1. Какова цель всего существующего? | 2. Почему всё движется? | 3. Зачем нужен цикл? | 4. Что такое диалектика? | 5. Какое правильное поведение? | 6. Зачем нужна смерть? | 7. Почему люди плохие? | 8. Заключительные фразы | 9. Poetical appendix (in English): A bit of philosophy ||
А потом идёт пункт 0. Вводные замечания |
Позвольте сказать вам в начале почему я решил написать это эссе. Ну, по простой причине, что у меня имеются уже 8 разных эссе посвящённых всяким социальным и философским темам, и несмотря на то, что 8 очень хорошее число, я всегда считал 10 за лучшее, так что я должен продолжать стараясь достигнуть это число, независимо от того, что я как раз переваливаю за мой 72-й год, и нахождение целиком новых идей начинает становиться для меня трудновато. Да, но у меня достаточно /_старых_/ идей, и комбинируя некоторые из них это может даст мне необходимый объём (из больше 10-и страниц) плюс традиционное поэтическое приложение (как правило на английском, чтобы не думать о переводе, поскольку стихи очень трудно переводить, особенно длинные). Я думал сначала написать что-то о необходимости /_завершения_/ циклов, так как природа требует некоторое замыкание (с тем чтобы можно было продолжать и дальше кружить по обычному треку), и если мы не сделали это как полагается, то это происходит потом более грубым образом, но я уже говорил об этом (в “Нашем неумении рушить”). |
Так что я решил сделать некоторый смешанный материал, где я приду и к циклам, но начну существованием всего (Сотворением), потом приду к непрестанному движению всего существующего (что нашло своё отражение даже ... в грамматических падежах), потом буду рассуждать некоторое время о диалектике, потом о нашем поведении (что мы должны делать, потому что мы в любом случае будем страдать, но чтобы немного снизить наши страдания), потом приду к смерти как противоположное состояние или замыкание жизни, и в конце буду говорить о добром и злом, что как бы новая тема для меня. Как первоначальный план это кажется мне хорошо, а насчёт числа семь, ну, это еврейское число, оно не то что красивое для Запада (оно даже немного разлагающееся или ... /_септическое_/), но для древних евреев оно означало /_славу и мистерию_/ (Сотворения, я полагаю). Это наверное связано с лунным календарём, но более интересно для меня повторить (потому что я сказал это давно, в моём “Urrh-е” и в “Порассуждаем о числах”), что картинка этого числа представляет собой ... /_флаг_/ с длинной ручкой, слегка наклонённый вперёд, в правую сторону, который развевается! |
Таким образом вы можете думать, что я развеваю перед вами знамя вечных философских вопросов о жизни и смерти и обо всём! Что я в какой-то мере и делаю в моих 70-ых годах (выкапывая некоторые детали и для меня, потому что человек никогда не может перестать рассуждать о чём-то, если это единственная вещь, которую он умеет делать, перескакивать между за и против чего-то). Так что давайте мне начинать, и можете быть уверены что здесь не будет ничего трудного даже для ребёнка (потому что я философ-аматёр, как и старые люди в древности). Хотя наверное этот ребёнок должен быть умненьким, своего рода /_вундеркиндом_/, потому что будут и некоторые сложноватые места; если говорить более точно, то мои простые идеи довольно размытые местами, но такова и вся философия, как наука для всего существующего она должна быть не очень точной. ||

ИздательChris Myrski
Дата выпуска1 февр. 2023 г.
Семь Наивных Философских Вопросов (философское эссе)

Chris Myrski

÷÷÷ To tell you the truth I represent two person, one real and one pseudonymous. The real one was born in the middle of the last century in one country called Bulgaria (which now turned to be European poorest area), in an ancestrally intellectual family. As a result of this I have received two and a half tertiary educations in the exact sciences and in three different countries, and at the moment know three and a half foreign languages. In view of this I have worked in various scientific institutes as research assistant in the end, and /because/ of my higher education I ... have remained unemployed from the beginning of our democracy and for more than a quarter of a century until now I at last am pensioner with — you will never imagine this — a pension of a bit less than ... /three bus tickets daily/ for /all/ expenses! Did you get it?÷÷÷ So, and by this circumstances it is not surprising that I have become democratic dissident, or intelligent laic, or research unemployed assistant, or (the biggest in the world) /demo-critical/ realist, or the like. Yet because of my scientific education, natural inclination to moderate judgements, as well as my then middle age, I have been (and am) sophisticated enough for to deny nothing /totally/ (how the ordinary people usually do) and have begun to ponder about the pluses of the minuses and vice versa, about the democracy and life in general, finding an interesting for me occupation. In this way I have naturally come to expressing myself in publicistic materials, popular-scientific researches, all kinds of untraditional thoughts, etymological guesses and parallels between (in principle) /all/ languages, and also finding consolation and pleasure in writing of (usually) funny (but also philosophical and other) verses with sound “nursery” rhymes, and this in /three/ languages (Bulgarian, Russian, and English), because otherwise I got often bored. And this was my second “face”, the creative or literary, though chiefly as /non/-fiction writer (although I have some SF stories and poetry, as said). I have published things on several Russian sites, also in three languages, but as far as in 2017 I finished the translation of all my (translatable, i.e. prosaic) things in English I have decided to begin to ... conquer the Western world, so to say. And, come to think about, why not?÷÷÷ A rough list of my creative works will be the following:÷÷÷ 1.“*The communism as religion* (popular study)”, which is such apologetics of communism that the (still remained) communists don’t accept it, with a but philosophical ... SF, a new religion, and one poetical multi-lingual Appendix.÷÷÷ 2. “*Curious Manifestos*”, a dozen (in the end even a devil one) of Manifestos of invented political parties, which are all a kind of /critique/ of democracy, they propose different, partly scientifically proved, partly funny, models of democracy which are all /better/ than the existing models; there are two Appendices to the book.÷÷÷ 3. “*Ten cynical essays*”, what is said, but have you met such books somewhere? I haven’t and /because/ of this I have written this book! And this is a cynicism in my understanding, what means usually impartial realism. There is a peculiar appendix, the Constitution of Cynicland.÷÷÷ 4. A pretty big collection of political and other papers called in English “*Now, Look Here*”, with roughly four sections, namely: for journals, for newspapers, feuilletons, and others. These things are going to the /hundred/, and would have long ago exceeded it if I have not begun to write big materials (about 20 pages or more). This is impartial political science, and the things are actual more than 20 years later (if the situation has not changed drastically). Practically nothing is trivial, everywhere are original ideas. It is split in 3 volumes, where I intent to add something only to the last, but I surely will add something (say, my latest idea is to write an Open Letter to the ... God Almighty, showing my ... commiserations for his dull existence, etc.).÷÷÷ 5. A collection of 5 (for the moment) Social Essays, namely: “*Democratic Values*” (again a critique of democracy, you can bet about), “*Search For The Woman* (Cherchez la Femme)” (the topic is obvious), “*Social Evils*” (with surely untypical approach, this isn’t a sermon), “*Bulgarian Survival*” (a philosophical essay about the proper way to live, especially in poor countries, based on personal experience of the author as real person), and “*Our Inability To Destroy *” (an entirely new approach to our common sufferings and misfortunes). In addition to this I plan for a long time to write a paper about Bulgarian ... barbarity, with proving of this statement, the contras for this, as well also the /pros/; and maybe some other interesting theme that I will discover. All these essays are accompanied by a funny verse in the end.÷÷÷ 6. A folder (which may be made to a book via simple collection of the papers, although they are pretty different) named PIR, what has to mean “Propositions, Ideas, Realizations”, but it is still opened for I may add new, chiefly etymological ideas and propositions, like ... new languages, or rather dialects of existing such); or there will be a second volume for you.÷÷÷ 7. A small folder named initially “*For all CIS-people*”, which I have shortly adapted for other nations and it is called now “*Dear reader, it's for you \Arab, Chinese, or Hindu!*”, where I propagate one exceedingly important idea about new (yet existing) world language, and this, surely well motivated.÷÷÷ 8. One folder with “*Personal Things*”, which differ a bit in the three languages that I use, but is also interesting to be read, this isn’t a biography or similar things, and it is funny in places.÷÷÷ 9. One enormously big book which is about /everything/, yet starting from the ... words of different languages, this isn’t just etymology, this is much more, this is the way of thinking of the people, a psychology of the people from all nations. And it’s name and form are also like nothing else, it is called “*Urrh, cum commentis* (impressions on etymological canvas)”.÷÷÷ 10. My latest book is named “*Letters To The Posterity*”, what /are/ letters but this is only formally, it is also about everything, in some places from etymological point of view, in others from the starting point of my reason, in some other places there are also verses in it, acrostics, so that it has to be pretty interesting for reading, but, alas, by thoughtful persons only!÷÷÷ 11. Then there are several books with poetry, in English till the moment maybe not more than a thousand of lines, but in Russian and Bulgarian they are by about /10/ thousands or more. And they are usually in such rough sections: philosophical, sexy, for children, funny, others, unless there are another more qualifying headings.÷÷÷ 12. In addition to this it has to appear one big multi-lingual dictionary in Russian, which I have only in Bulgarian, it has been published nowhere, but I have used it in writhing of my “Urrh” as well of the “Letters”, so that it will not be entirely lost with my untimely (as usual) demise. It is in form of a data base, with words and explanations, divided in several types, and the key words there are about 11,000, from practically all Indo-European languages.÷÷÷ 13. Other my future works will be my for long time promised (to myself) translations in German of my first 3 “whales”. More than this I don’t think to translate in German, they can as well read me in English, if they want (or, then, to begin to study ... Bulgarian). To translation in other existing languages I don’t think to come, unless just “The communism” in Italian (for their language is so precious, that I have to make a try in it, too).÷÷÷ 14 Then I think to invent a pair of new dialects of existing languages, which will be called /Myrskanto/ languages, and first has to be the M. English, and then, maybe, M. Deutsch; M. Russian is not necessary to invent, there exists the Bulgarian.÷÷÷ 15. And if I will live long enough, i.e. more then 70-75, I am ready to begin to write SF /novels/, what till now I have not succeeded to do. This is because I have my minuses, I can’t invent improbable or incredible, illogical things, but maybe nearing my senile years I will be able to do this, who knows? I have to try in the end, because just to consume is not satisfying for me, no sirs. Some probable titles are: “The travel of Samuel Gulliver in 23rd century”, “Samuel Gulliver in Pirlipland”, “The intelligent ants”, and maybe something else. I have /planned/ to live to 83 or 86, so that I may as well come to the dilemma how to fill my time then.÷÷÷ OK, and now some words to my possible readers. Dear guys and girls, if you don’t like the very process of thinking just run as far away from me as possible! I am not for everybody, I am for the chosen. There have to be about 5 percents such people who like to think, not to have only actions and thrillers. But 5 % from 7 billion people amounts to 300 millions people, yeah, where I will be perfectly grad with a pair of /millions/ of readers (instead of my tens to hundred of thousands). And I simply /don’t/ want to get rich, I have nobody to whom to leave my money, so that I will offer everything as cheap as possible. For one thing you can always find me on some foreign site simply writing “chris myrski” (but mark the “i”-s), in your browser, or then writing some of my works, the titles are usually easily accessible (with the exception of “Now, Look Here” which turned to be too common), so that you can read what I have written for you. For another things you can find places where you can also copy my works free in one or another format (or even if not in the right format for you then to use the right mouse button and chose “source” where will be all editing characters and you can, with some efforts, restore the original text). For another thing I will publish even here the first, say 1,000 exemplars free (with some exceptions, like Urrh or something else), so that you can be one of the lucky ones; and there can be works which I will always give free (like, my scientific things in PIR, of for the Arabs, or something else); or I will chose some about ten days in the year and reduce then all the prices (I have to think this over). And for the last thing I will require exceedingly moderate prices, from 1 US$ (even less if this is possible) to about 3 or 4 for a book, also with some little exceptions (like again Urrh). In short, money will give me problems to think and to lose my time, but about (if you look at the beginning) a pair of buss tickets daily I must be able to spend somehow (what is reduced to a pair or bought books daily).÷÷÷ Ah, and about my pseudonym, Myrski comes from Slavonic ‘mir’ what in Russian means /both/, a peace and the world, so that I am a peaceful writer for the whole world, I am a kind of ... appearance of Christ before the world. And I am, really, writing for the people, or, then, for my pleasure (/per il mio diletto/, in Italian), what means that I usually write things that I alone have wanted to find (like, say, some cynical essays) but have not succeeded and because of this have done it alone. This is a good approach, I thing, try it if you can. And I advise you also to read me for the simple reason that all my ideas and propositions are peaceful, and if the humanity will not accept some similar approach, then the alternative is to kill us mutually, what we have learned to do perfectly, i.e. the difference between my propositions and the common or vulgar approach is only in the social price.÷÷÷ OK, and now all the best from your÷÷÷*M*_aybe I am not as clever as I think,÷÷÷*Y*_et I like to question everything and ponder.÷÷÷*R*_eally, in this way the emotions sink,÷÷÷*S*_till, this gives me pleasure and I often wonder,÷÷÷*K*_nowing how well are organized the things.÷÷÷*I*_n the end my facts like polished diamonds are.

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