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Кирпичик Вилли
Кирпичик Вилли
Кирпичик Вилли
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Кирпичик Вилли

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Кирпичик Вилли появился на свет на маленьком кирпичном заводе. Он и его братья были с любовью вылеплены дедушкой Смитом. Вскоре он узнал о удивительном предназначении как для себя так и для своих братьев кирпичиков. Но, чтобы быть готовыми к исполнению этого великого плана, впереди их ождали серьезные вызовы, которые им нужно было встреть с достоинством. Справиться ли Вилли с выпавшими на его долю испытаниями или нет вы узнаете это отправившись с ним в увлекательное приключение?

ИздательSerhiy Kravchenko
Дата выпуска3 февр. 2023 г.
Кирпичик Вилли

Serhiy Kravchenko

I was born in 1975 in the Soviet Union. Currently, Sumy is the city in which I grew up to stay on the territory of Ukraine.In late 1992, our family was faced with a cancer of our grandmother. The doctors told us that they are unable to help her. My mom decided to find someone who can help her. And it was Jesus. In the end, the grandmother was healed and experienced a dramatic encounter with the Lord right in the hospital. And so did my mom, my sisters and I accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives. A year later I went into the army, where I founded my first Church, right in the military hospital. At this time all of my plans changed and I received a call to serve God. From September 1995 to August 1997 I was a youth pastor at my church in Sumy. In late August 1997, I founded a church in Glukhov, Sumy region. I was the pastor of this church until August 2010. During my ministry in Glukhov has been a lot of important things in my life. In 2000, I met a beautiful girl, Marina and married her. Later in our family were born the daughter of Pauline and son Eugene. In 2000 I founded the Christian Missionary Camp "Fight of Faith". All these years I am part of an amazing camp that spread missionary vision among children and young people. In 2008, my pastoral ministry expanded, I took responsibility for the church in Priluki (Chernigov region). Between the two cities was about 250 kilometers. That is the distance I had to overcome when moving from one city to another on a weekend, in order to serve simultaneously in two churches. In 2009, in my heart there was a new direction from the Lord: Russia! From that moment till 2013 I was actively involved in church planting in Russia. In 2013, we opened for our self a new European direction. In August 2013 – We moved to Poland to continue our Ministry in Europe.Today I am involved in:1.Discipleship movement in Poland.2.Inspiration and mobilization of the Body of Christ to go to the nations and make disciples.3.Missionary projects.4.Writing books

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    Кирпичик Вилли - Serhiy Kravchenko


    Serhiy Kravchenko

    Copyright 2023 by Serhiy Kravchenko

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be

    reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or

    mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any

    information storage and retrieval system, without the written

    permission of the publisher

    Cover design: Denys Dushchuk

    Digital Edition

    ISBN 9798215155851

    For information contact: biblebros@gmail.com




    Глава 1: Кирпичный Заводик Дедушки Смита

    Глава 2: Обжиг В Печи

    Глава 3: Дорога На Стройку

    Глава 4: Строительная Площадка

    Глава 5: Трудный Момент

    Глава 6: Неожиданная Возможность

    Сергей Кравченко - когда я думаю о Сергее, я вижу множество сильных положительных качеств для подражания для детей. Он преданный семьянин, чувствительный и в то же время сильный, непоколебимый и гибкий. Примером его писательского таланта является эта прекрасная детская история, которую я с удовольствием прочитала своей внучке, и я уверена, что

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