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Mission Possible/Миссия возможна
Mission Possible/Миссия возможна
Mission Possible/Миссия возможна
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Mission Possible/Миссия возможна

Автор Marilyn Laszlo

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Мерилин Ласло страстно желала донести Евангелие колоритному народу сепик-ивам в Папуа-Новую Гвинею. Но как можно было принести свет Слова Божьего в культуру, погрязшую в страхе и мраке, если у этого народа даже отсутствует пиьменность?

Незнакомые места, звуки, наряду с усталостью, изоляцией, болезнями и ядовитыми змеями... Но награда превзошла все ее ожидания.

"Миссия Возможна" - история о смелой миссионерке и ее усилиях по переводу Слова Божьего на язык сепик-ивам, в итоге изменивших этот народ.

ИздательEzdra Publishers
Дата выпуска20 февр. 2011 г.
Mission Possible/Миссия возможна

Marilyn Laszlo

Marilyn heard God’s call at age 12, studied linguistics and then lived 24 years in a jungle village translating God’s Word for people who had never had a written language, let alone a verse of the Bible... That was chapter 1. In Chapter 2, her second half of life, she is a sought-after speaker for conferences, retreats, colleges, banquets and other events. With a twinkle in her eye and a mischievous smile, she recounts times when she heard God’s call, argued with him about who’s in charge, ate grubs and witnessed miracles. As good as her stories about the past are, the best part is what the Lord is doing today in the lives of people she interacts with. You might see her one minute on stage in front of thousands of teenagers, and a little while later sitting and listening to a young girl’s fears and dreams and then quietly praying with her. Marilyn’s own life doesn’t dwell on the past either. She continues to seek God’s guidance and to follow him in new ways. An example of that is her current involvement in distributing the New Testament in audio form to people in Papua New Guinea who do not read. What makes Marilyn so special is that she doesn’t think she is special. She believes she’s just an ordinary person who serves an extraordinary God – and He has given her opportunities throughout life to trust Him and find Him faithful.

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