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The Swordless Samurai
The Swordless Samurai
The Swordless Samurai
Аудиокнига5 часов

The Swordless Samurai

Написано Kitami Masao

Озвучено Andrey Krupnik

Рейтинг: 4.5 из 5 звезд



Об этой аудиокниге

The timeless leadership secrets from Toyotomi Hideyoshi, one of the greatest military and civic leaders the world has ever known!
The Swordless Samurai is required listening for all who seek effective strategies for succeeding in business, conflict, and life.
You will know:
• what the most valuable advantage of a leader is;
• how to reach an agreement with competitors;
• what methods allow you to rise through the ranks;
• how crisis develops leadership skills;
• and much more!
ИздательAB Publishing
Дата выпуска13 янв. 2020 г.
The Swordless Samurai

Kitami Masao

Kitami Masao contributed to The Swordless Samurai from St. Martin's Press.

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