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Система Спасения и Структуризации Сознания в предотвращении глобальной катастрофы
Система Спасения и Структуризации Сознания в предотвращении глобальной катастрофы
Система Спасения и Структуризации Сознания в предотвращении глобальной катастрофы
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Система Спасения и Структуризации Сознания в предотвращении глобальной катастрофы

Автор Grigori Grabovoi

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Текст произведения впервые создан Грабовым Григорием Петровичем в момент проведения семинара 22 июня 2001 года. При создании семинара применялся способ вечного развития с точным прогнозированием будущих событий. Стопроцентное подтверждение прогнозов Грабового Г.П. доказано протоколами и свидетельствами, изданными в трёхтомнике «Практика управления. Путь спасения».
При создании текста семинара Грабовой Г.П. сначала получал точный прогноз будущих событий и затем создавал текст, обучающий вечному развитию с учётом конкретных событий будущего, касающихся каждого и всего мира.

ИздательGrigori Grabovoi
Дата выпуска25 мар. 2014 г.
Система Спасения и Структуризации Сознания в предотвращении глобальной катастрофы

Grigori Grabovoi

Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi holds a PhD in physics and mathematics, a PhD in engineering science; is a professor, an academician, the author of the Discovery “The Creating Information Area”; the creator of the works on disaster prevention, on complete health restoration. He is the author of the Teachings "On Salvation And Harmonious Development" registered in the US Library of Congress Copyright Office. As the author of scientific, and popular science writings G.P. Grabovoi is registered with at VG WORT, which “is the German collecting society representing the copyright interests of authors and publishers”. Grigori P. Grabovoi is the sole author and copyright holder of his works, who licenses the right to use his works. To use his works in the civilian sphere, and for the purpose of being able to exercise his copyright rights he obtained the patents, registered his works in the US Library of Congress Copyright Office, and became a trademark owner. The technologies of the authorial Teachings of G.P. Grabovoi “On Salvation And Harmonious Development” make it possible to prevent disasters and ensure harmonious constructive progression of events. The facts confirming 100% accuracy, effectiveness of Grigori P. Grabovoi’s preventive forecasting, and control technologies have been certified by the state organizations and by private persons. A three-volume edition of “Practice of Control. The Way of Salvation” has been published which contains the documented results of the work performed by him. In his dissertation “Applied structures of the creating field of information” Grigori P.Grabovoi based on constructive, creative principles states that man’s consciousness is not only capable of reflecting reality by means of perception and sensation, but is a creative substance in itself. And hence it follows that man, being one of the elements of the universe where all the elements are interconnected, is able to interact with other elements of the universe just by changing his own consciousness. The application results reflected in this work prove that the Teachings of constructive development of сognition and of control of events make it possible to formalize all phenomena of reality and have environmentally safe path of technogenic and eternal development. A number of books, mainly in Russian, have been published based on Grigori P. Grabovoi’s scientific and practical activities. By studying his works every person can learn to use the technologies of salvation and harmonious development; it has been substantiated by personal experience and practice of thousands of people and by their certified testimonials contained in three volumes of “Practice Of Control. The Way Of Salvation”, published in 1998. The description of Grigori P. Grabovoi`s patents for inventions - “The Disaster Prevention Method and the Device for Its Implementation”, 2148845, issued May 10, 2000, and “The Information Transfer System”, 2163419, issued February 20, 2001 – can be found on the official website of The Federal Service for Intellectual Property of Russia (Rospatent). The works of Grigori P. Grabovoi have achieved a wide readership.

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