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Исполнение желаний: Заработать Деньги
Исполнение желаний: Заработать Деньги
Исполнение желаний: Заработать Деньги
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Исполнение желаний: Заработать Деньги

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Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Муяссар. В ближайшее время мы с вами поговорим об исполнении желаний. Но, об исполнении желаний, связанных именно с деньгами. Может быть Вы еще молоды и еще не успели определиться со своими желаниями, или же Вы сейчас находитесь в самом трудном положении, и ищете выход из разных проблем. В любом случае этот урок поможет вам осуществить ваши самые заветные мечты и избавиться от финансовых проблем, жить в изобилии, так как Вы сами хотите. Итак, приступаем.

ИздательAlexa Maxwell
Дата выпуска31 авг. 2017 г.
Исполнение желаний: Заработать Деньги

Muyassar Sattarova

I am 3 years oldThis story was supposed to begin with the data like the date of my birth, where I am from, what I do, etc. I was born on March 2, 1990, but I am only 3 years old now. Are you surprised? I am not kidding! It is because we are born twice. Once when we came to this world, second when we realize who we are, why we are here, and what we want. It has been only for three years since I became my true self as I always was supposed to be. Very unluckily, I can`t remember my second birthday for I have no recollection of when and how I discovered the truth and my life has changed. Therefore, I made up my mind that every single day is my birthday.Even being a hardworking teenager, I sensed that I would be great, but I had no idea, no reason no means how and when exactly it would happen yet. If I could go back and warn my past self, I would probably say, “Have courage and try every single opportunity. Follow your dreams. Love people and they will love you back!” I am not going to write about my teachers in school of life: hardships. Because, writing about them is the same as living them over again. I owe everything to those challenges of life though. It is like sailing in an Ocean all alone. We are all in the ocean of life. Some of us are always struggling with the storm and complain this is what life is all about. Some other ones of us are lucky enough to find a safer place. Only a few of us are able to see beyond, to investigate what lies beyond those storms. In fact they are who doesn`t only survive despite the storms, but learns to tame the whole Ocean. For the latter the Ocean is not a source of all ups-and-downs, but the way, which leads them anywhere they want.Of course, it is not going to be easy for you will have to encounter all the vicissitude of life all your way. However, it will be even more torturing to stay and struggle with the storms. This is the philosophy of life. I learnt to become like the Sun. It knows that night alternates it soon. Nevertheless, the sun shines in its time and lights the Moon in the rest. Life, this world is worth exploring only if we ask ourselves, “What if it is not so? Maybe, there is a way I can do this. Perhaps, I can do this.”What happened during the last 3 years? Oh, it is such a colossal change in my life! Can you imagine me struggling to achieve this for almost 27 years? Yes, it took me nearly 30 years to wait for this wish to come true. So, what has transformed in my life? I started writing. What would happen next is another story. By the way, you are also welcome to buy and read googling:365 Ways to Be HappyA few dollars may change your life – invest them in your future and buy this book now. It is a simple mathematical calculation that life consists of 365 plus 1 days a year. Not the number of your days, but how you lived each will determine or even “measure” your happiness. Here are 365 ways that can turn your usual day into a perfect one. On the other hand, you have a chance to explore more experiences to both have fun and live a meaningful life. Are you fed up with boring theoretical books on success and would like to have something more practical. Congratulations! Click and welcome the success you deserve!The Man and GodBuy this book right now!Two men died. God met both of them at the same time, but He led them to different rooms. The first man started to the room on the right while the other one turned left. The left-side room was too large and sadly empty. There were only some pieces of broken dishes. They covered the whole floor that there was almost no place to step on. When God and the second man got to the middle of the room God commanded him:Inspiring Short StoriesMy dear reader. You are going to start my new book! Don`t think that you`ve come across this book among billions is a mere coincidence! My life-experience tells that “such coincidences” occur the moment we really need. Sometimes the words can impress you more that the cover of the book. I know that choosing the right book is to search for the pieces of gold relying on your assumptions digging the ground day and night. However, remember that this book may be what you are looking for. So, rest assured and purchase this book right now! Read my new book and recommend it to your friends!HOW TO BE STRONGHow do you choose a book to read? You came across a cover and a short extract and look through it! If they impress you you`ll buy! What if the meaning, the words inside is more impressive that the cover and the excerpt? Think about it! In order to resolve your doubts you have only one way! Buy this bookYou TubeEven if you are tired, annoyed, bored, happy, or inspired, feeling enthusiastic, etc. it will take you nothing to look through this excerpt! It`s very attentive of you to choose books thoroughly. The cover and the extract may tell you anything! If you really want to know what is inside the book, it doesn`t cost you much to buy and read it right now.Inspiring Quotes from the BrainsPerhaps, you are here because of someone`s recommendation! Maybe, you`ve come across my book by chance, or it`s a mere coincidence! I can guess that you are just surfing the Web looking for something entertaining! Anyway, you don`t need much to read this short excerpt! You can google and find some millions of books! However, you`ve found my book the moment you need or want! A coincidence is something that happens according to your prior plans and wishes! Trust them! Take your chance and get my new book! Buy this book right now! Read it and recommend everyone to purchase it!Coming out soon:Bedtime Stories for my kidsEverything is in your Hands

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