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Study & Education (Russian Edition)
Study & Education (Russian Edition)
Study & Education (Russian Edition)
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Study & Education (Russian Edition)

Написано L. Ron Hubbard

Озвучено Multiple Narrators

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Study & Education - Russian Edition

Education would be in the direction of accomplishing certain actions

professionally. Now, that is my own word introduced into there,

professionally. But if one is educated in a subject, one expects him to be

able to accomplish certain things with that subject. — L. Ron Hubbard

No civilized culture has failed to recognize the importance of education. And it is widely acknowledged that in today’s fast?paced society, success depends on the ability to swiftly

understand and use information.

What lies behind the crisis in education? Are some subjects simply hard to teach? Are some teachers just not good at imparting knowledge? The proposed solutions are as varied as the problems, but many are based on labeling students as unable to learn, instead of identifying the real failure.

In researching the field of education over three decades, Ron examined the entire learning process, very much including the ability to apply what has been taught. He made what amounts to an historic and broad sweeping breakthrough, isolating the single common denominator to the diverse problems besetting all education. Rather than merely addressing a particular subject or branch of knowledge, he discovered a crucial undercut wholly omitted from educational

systems since time immemorial. Specifically, there has never been an education in study itself.

What Ron isolated and identified are the exact obstacles that deny understanding of any subject, or more specifically, the barriers to study. With the new knowledge of how these barriers are the cause of failed education and its many consequences, Ron developed a fully workable

solution—what has become known as Study Technology. Here, then, is the first actual technology of how to study any subject or field of endeavor and gain the ability to use and apply what has been learned.
ИздательNew Era Publications
Дата выпуска1 янв. 2010 г.
Study & Education (Russian Edition)

L. Ron Hubbard

With 19 New York Times bestsellers and more than 350 million copies of his works in circulation, L. Ron Hubbard is among the most acclaimed and widely read authors of our time. As a leading light of American Pulp Fiction through the 1930s and '40s, he is further among the most influential authors of the modern age. Indeed, from Ray Bradbury to Stephen King, there is scarcely a master of imaginative tales who has not paid tribute to L. Ron Hubbard.

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