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Мальчик на вершине горы
Мальчик на вершине горы
Мальчик на вершине горы
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Мальчик на вершине горы

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Новый роман автора "Мальчика в полосатой пижаме". В Париже живет обычный мальчик Пьеро. Мама у него француженка, а папа - немец. Папа прошел Первую мировую и был навсегда травмирован душевно. И хотя дома у Пьеро не все ладно, он счастлив. Родители его обожают, у него есть лучший друг Аншель, с которым он общается на языке жестов. Но этот уютный мир вот-вот исчезнет. На дворе вторая половина 1930-х. И вскоре Пьеро окажется в Австрии, в чудесном доме на вершине горы. Пьеро теперь будет зваться Петер, и у него появится новый взрослый друг. У нового друга усы щеточкой, прекрасная дама по имени Ева и умнейшая немецкая овчарка Блонди. Он добрый, умный и очень энергичный. Только почему-то прислуга до смерти его боится, а гости, бывающие в доме, ведут разговоры о величии Германии и о том, что всей Европе пора узнать об этом.
Пронзительный, тревожный и невероятно созвучный нашему времени роман, ставший, по сути, продолжением "Мальчика в полосатой пижаме", хотя герои совсем иные.
ИздательФантом Пресс
Дата выпуска21 дек. 2015 г.

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  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    If i could give this book bonus stars i would. Magnificent writing by an equally magnificent author! Character depth- check. Storyline flow- check. Tears- check. Surprise ending- check. I read Boy At The Top of The Mountain like a starved person would look at Thanksgiving dinner. Overall its a coming of age story based on a 7 yr. old orphan who comes to live with his aunt, a housekeeper at the Berghof - mountain vacation home of Hitler. Young Pierrot / Pieter goes from awe to fixation and like a sponge soaks up all that he hears, sees and reads. How easily influenced children are unless steered properly on the road of honesty, modesty and compassion! What destruction is caused when one is allowed to live in a 'candy store' ! AS i mentioned the end of the book was a pleasant uplifting surprise. But i have to say that previous to that last chapter the ending was somewhat rushed.
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    3.5 stars. It wasn't The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    When Pierrot witnesses his father being killed at an anti-Semitic protest he and his mother flee. His mother seeks help and Pierrot is smuggled out of Paris in a leather suitcase. He ends up living with his Aunt Beatrix who is a head household servant in the household of none other than Adolf Hitler at the top of the German mountains.World War is fast approaching and Pierrot needs to change his identity to that of a German boy as instructed by his aunt to keep himself safe. Pierrot becomes Pieter and is taken under Hitler's wing. Sadly Pieter takes this guidance and his understanding of the German Riech to the extreme and he becomes a very dangerous, mean spirited boy. This has a devastating impact on those who have shown him love and kindness in the past and at the end of the story he finds himself a very lonely person.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    This is the story of Pierrot, a seven-year-old boy living in France with his parents, dog and his best friend Anshel, a Jewish boy. After the deaths of his parents, Pierrot ends up living with his father’s sister Beatrix in a beautiful house on a mountaintop in Austria where she is a housekeeper. The owner of the home is none other than Hitler, who takes an interest in young Pieter, who has changed his name to accommodate his new German residence. The reader follows Pieter as he becomes more enamored with his life as an ardent supporter of Hitler and his policies through the end of the war, when he must confront all that he has done in the name of the Fatherland. Once again, Boyne tells a gripping tale of WW II from two unique perspectives, Pieter and ultimately, Anshel.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    This is a tragic story about a misguided boy.Pierrot is half French and half German, born after the first World War. He lives in Paris with a best friend a floor below who is Jewish. His father never recovers from the war and dies, leaving Pierrot and his mother alone. She makes a small living for them and they are fairly happy. Unfortunately, she succumbs to an illness quickly. Pierrot is now an orphan. After a short stint in an orphanage, his paternal aunt brings him to Austria to live with her.Beatrix is a housekeeper for a very important man. She believes she can raise Pierrot and keep him safe if he is near her. This world, however, is nothing like his old world, and he is vulnerable. He’s lost his entire life--even his clothes were burned upon arrival. The master of the house has a mesmerizing personality and keeps Pierrot close. It’s an isolated, controlling world that Pierrot now occupies. Pierrot must either hold his own or succumb to evil. This novel is by the same man who wrote The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. If you liked that novel, you’ll like this as well. This is a historical fiction piece that demonstrates the importance of the ability to think for oneself. There are a lot of people with strong, overwhelming personalities, but it’s the people who can think and see through the personality to find truth who survive in some manner and live honorably. Pierrot is a young, impressionable, boy who will have many regrets if he can’t find the truth in time.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    Found in the Young Adult section of the library, this is another example of a powerful book that is classified in this genre simply because the tale is told by a young man. Pierrot is the young man who has memories of a father who drank far too much to hold at bay what he experienced in while Germany was formerly brought low by other European powers. His father was German, his mother was French. Living in France, Pierrot's father became more and more bitter about what Germany lost. Finally, his father died in a train accident, perhaps as a result of suicide. Pierrot was then raised by his French mother. Unfortunately, she soon succumbed to an illness and died, leaving Pierrot to be raised by his father's sister.His Aunt has the job of a maid in Hitler's mountain retreat, Eagle's Nest. The staff maintained a spic and span residence for Hitler even though he infrequently was in the castle. When he was there, top Nazi officials helped to strategize the progress of Germany's power in WWII, while plotting maddening plans for the extermination of Jews. The author places Pierrot in Eagle's Nest at a pivotal time of his life. Young and particularly susceptible, Pierrot left behind his French name and claimed the moniker of Peter. Increasingly, he witnessed dual sides of Hitler's personality. There was the Hitler who loves animals, and his dogs were treated better than humans. Then, there was the Hitler who was moody, hax violent temper fits, and as the war progressed when other nations grew stronger, Hitler quickly spiraled downward in out of control rage filled actions.One of the highlights of the book is Boyne's fascinating depiction of Peter's personality surrendering to Nazi beliefs, while he became increasingly enamored with Hitler's power. Portraying Pierrot as a young, kind soul who morphs into Peter, a bold, bossy and unkind bully who betrays everyone who was previously important to him, shows on a microcosmic level how it was that a nation of followers together allowed Hitler to dominate with evil intent.In the end, Peter is told that the worst thing he could do would be to deny that horrific events happened and that he was a part of the menacing evilness that was Germany. Highly recommended!
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    A wonderful story of how Hilter was able to influence the minds of the youth of Germany to beleive in his beliefs.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    A disturbing but masterfully written story about the subversion of childhood innocence.
  • Рейтинг: 2 из 5 звезд
    This started well, but I find it very difficult to enjoy a book when I don't like the main protagonist and Pierrot grew into quite a horrible character.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    Leeftijd: 12 - 15 jaar, maar persoonlijk vind ik 12 nog wel erg jong voor dit soort boeken.

    Het is toegankelijk en begrijpelijk geschreven. Sommige stukken zijn wat minder prettig, maar bevatten geen gruwelijke details.

    Dit boek is geen vrolijk boek. Het begint al met de ruzies die de vader en moeder van Pierrot hebben. Wilhelm Fischer, de vader van Pierrot was een Duits soldaat die in de Grote Oorlog had gevochten en daar veel had meegemaakt. Teveel zelfs. Emilie, Pierrot's moeder was een Franse. Zij zei altijd dat haar man niet in de oorlog was gestorven, maar dat het wel zijn dood was geworden.

    Toen Pierrot 4 was, is verdween zijn vader zonder een spoor achter te laten. Later hoorde ze dat hij een ongeluk had gehad in Duitsland en daar was overleden. Zijn moeder stond er alleen voor, en zorgde goed voor hem, tot ook zij plotseling ziek werd (tuberculose) en overleed. In eerste instantie werd de jongen opgevangen door zijn benedenburen, de Joodse familie Bronstein, maar al gauw werd dat te moeilijk voor de alleenstaande moeder, en verhuisde Pierrot naar een weeshuis in Orleans.

    Vanuit het weeshuis wordt Pierrot naar zijn tante in Oostenrijk gestuurd, waar hij kon gaan leven met zijn tante en het personeel in een mooi huis op een berg. Dat huis blijkt de 'Berghof' te zijn in Obersalzberg, eigendom van een meneer Hitler Vanaf dat moment verandert het leven van de jongen heel snel. Eerst wordt hij gedwongen zijn naam te veranderen in Pieter, later komt hij steeds meer onder de indruk van Hitler en zijn gedachten.

    De jongen is later mede-verantwoordelijk voor de dood van zijn tante, de chauffeur en een aantal anderen.

    Na de oorlog zit hij een tijdje in een gevangenenkamp. Na omzwervingen door België en Nederland (waar hij een tijdje onderwijzer is) komt hij weer terug in Parijs waar hij zijn belevenissen verteld aan zijn vriend Bronstein, die de oorlog overleefd heeft en nu een schrijver is geworden.

  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    Kind of depressing. I was hoping for a HOORAY type story... not so much. Easy read. Go for it.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    Young Pierrot has lost his parents, his best friend, and his dog. He must leave his life in Paris behind and start anew in Germany with his aunt Beatrix. Beatrix is the housekeeper in a wealthy household at the top of a mountain. It's not just any household, it belongs to Adolf Hitler. And the Second World War is about to break out. Over the years spent under Hitler's wing, Pieter (no longer Pierrot) is transformed from a naive little runt to a young man who worships Hitler and will do anything to please him.

    This is a powerful, well-written story. Pierrot made me feel so many different emotions towards him - sympathy, disbelief, hope, disgust. He was at an impressionable age, had no other father figure, and was impressed by the uniforms then became so filled with hatred. Another great and memorable book from John Boyne.

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Мальчик на вершине горы - Джон Бойн

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