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Загадка доктора Зака
Загадка доктора Зака
Загадка доктора Зака
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Загадка доктора Зака

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Грань между нормальностью и ненормальностью очень тонка и расплывчата.
Герои книги "Загадка доктора Зака", психиатр доктор Зак и его многочисленные пациенты, шагают по этой грани.
Они ищут смысл жизни, пытаются понять окружающий их мир, постоянно задают себе и другим вопросы.
Герои этой книги не могут существовать спокойно, им обязательно нужно найти ответы на такие вопросы как, например, в чем смысл этой жизни, откуда они пришли на планету Земля, чем они здесь занимаются и куда они уйдут когда закончится их жизненный путь.
Смешное, трагическое, загадочное, таинственное, неожиданное — все смешалось в их жизнях.
Фильм "Доктор Зак" создан на основе основан на основе этого произведения, автором которого является писатель Леонид Альт(Ги Дзен).
Дата выпуска28 авг. 2021 г.
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  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    A brother and a sister are both hunting something out in the backcountry while three mysterious strangers follow them, leaving a band of sorrow in their wake. "Outer Dark" truly lived up to it's name: it was dark and way, way, out there. Picture mixing "Flowers in the attic" with whatever you imagine a moonshiner to look like and there you go. I did not enjoy this one as much as "The Road" but it was good in it's own way. The language and writing style is stunning.
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    This story is about a brother, his sister and her baby which is left to die in the forest. The sister goes in search of the baby and her brother heads out after her to find her and bring her back. Along the way, they meet people from all walks of life..some kind, some not so kind. Once again, Cormac McCarthy paints a grim tale of human suffering. Although this is not the kind of book you enjoy reading, I find it staying with me as The Road did. There is one scene in the book that I felt could have been left out.. but now that I have read some of his other books I am beginning to think it is a theme to inlcude such subject matter
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    Southern Gothic - almost. Wasnt that shocking or frightening- held my interest but rather disapointing
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    I enjoyed the book but it didn't "WOW" me. It didn't throw me into the world or give me any emotional turmoil over the characters. Overall it is nicely written but nothing special. The mystery wasn't very suspenseful. I felt disconnected from the characters. When an emotional event occurred, I didn't feel the appropriate pang of sadness or the ping of joy. The writing is done well and the descriptions are done beautifully but the story is lacking a connectivity that brings you close to the characters of the book.

    The dark themes and characters ARE disturbing, shocking and chilling but because I felt disjointed from the main characters and the world, it didn't have as profound an effect that it should have had. McCarthy had a great idea, great writing and style but didn't execute the plot or the characters very well. If this is your first McCarthy book, be warned.
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    I do like McCarthy's writing style, I loved The Road. While this book kept me reading as I was pulled into where this book was going, I kept wondering what is truly to story line and when would the paths intertwine. Overall the ending was unexpected and lacked detail and closure. I was excited up until the last 50 or so pages and complete lost me by the end...
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    Where do I start?....This is Cormacs second novel and starts as dark as it continues. A brother and sister father a child. The brother tells her the child has died, but actually leaves it to perish in the forest. The lie is found out and the sister goes in search of the childs whereabouts. In turn the brother follows to find the sister....Along each siblings journey they encounter various characters and ways of life.As with all of mcarthys works don't expect anyone to have a good time or be particularly joyous. His usual desolate descriptive prose cuts right through to the bone. A little hard to follow at times, but it is always worth the effort.Cormac Mcarthy is an amazing writer and one that I can see being studied for generations to come
  • Рейтинг: 1 из 5 звезд
    I noticed McCarthy has come up on a lot of people's booklists. Anyone care to explain to me the point of this book or the ending (which I reread several times and yet failed to understand)? Plot summary is a brother and sister produce a child (of incest) and brother takes child and tells sister that child died. Sister decides to search for the child and brother trys to find sister (?). I found this book frustratingly strange and will probably not seek out any of the author's other books.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    Another darkly evocative novel from Cormac McCarthy! Frankly, a quote by the tinker sums up how one feels after reading about the tortured lives of these characters. I seen the meanness of people 'til I don't know why God don't turn out the sun and walk away." I don't feel that way in general, but McCarthy reminds me of the hardship people live through and keep putting one foot in front of another.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    As usual, sentence by sentence, Cormac McCarthy writes surprising, penetrating, beautiful prose. Outer Dark's tragedies are seen through the eyes of cowboys, woodsmen, moonshiners, snake hunters and others who live in poverty to the rhythm of the seasons. We see morning glories climbing a fence next to a starving girl and hear the ruminations of serial killers as 19 year old Rinthy Holme wanders barefoot and hungry searching for her stolen baby through a dangerous landscape. Highly recommended.
  • Рейтинг: 3 из 5 звезд
    There's plenty of darkness inside Outer Dark. This book has some beautifully written passages, but I found less hope in this story than I did in The Road and that made it a somewhat depressing read. McCarthy has an unconventional writing style - he knows the rules and then breaks them with flair along with gracefully written descriptive passages that contain elements of poetry. However, the overall story left me with a desire to see more of the redemptive side of human nature. Each of us contains darkness and light within us, and true to the title this book describes the darkness — both within and without.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    McCarthy gives the reader a fascinating glimpse into the lives and minds of people who have lived in the back woods of Appalachia for generations - people whose lives seem aimless and with little or no opportunity to question the authority that governs them and which keeps them in their perpetual state of ignorance and poverty. McCarthy’s prose is poignant, at times hilarious, at times breathtaking and shocking and which is masterful in its depiction of Apalachia.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    This was an odd story, and I can't say that I "enjoyed" it (the subject matter and turn of events are a bit grim for that), but it was wonderfully written and kept me turning the pages, and I most definitely want to see more of what Cormac McCarthy has to offer.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    I'm writing this almost five years after reading Outer Dark. All I remember is that the three men after Culla are terrifying and the tinker is creepy. Rinthy is such a pitiful character. McCarthy's sense of doom is well on display here in his second book.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    Possibly one of the most depressing, depraved books ever written.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    Great book. But, if you like endings that wrap everything up nicely and leave you feeling satisfied that all questions have been answered, then this book is not for you. McCarthy takes you on a fun ride in the process.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    It appears that McCarthy was really trying to channel William Faulkner in Outer Dark. His portrayal of American Appalachia is very reminiscent of Faulkner's portrayal of the American south, and the meandering pace and lack of punctuation leave Outer Dark feeling like a sureal dream on a sweaty, summer night. What is the story about? I am not completely sure, actually. It is equal parts biblical symbolism and American folkism. At its heart, it is a story about a woman looking for her baby, and a brother looking for the woman. Deeply intense and engageing, it is a quick page turner and well worth reading.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    This book takes some thought and a willingness to look at characters you want nothing to do with, but in the end the experience of reading engulfes you. McCarthy's writing style does take some getting used to (fair warning), but it comes in line with haunting passages and mysterious characters that you'll never forget. My advice is to go in with an open and willing mind, and don't ignore the implications of any of the subjects, since it all comes together beautifully into a memorable story that you'll be considering for days after, scenes included. Certainly not recommendable for immature readers, though.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    Southern Gothic taken to such an extreme that it almost becomes camp. Very enjoyable.
  • Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд
    Just a tad disturbing. "Did they really...?" "Yes, they did."
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    A dark and sad and violent book. I'm very impressed with the way McCarthy captures dialect, and his use of language and his style. Not a good book to read if you want cheering up, but a very well written book that makes me want to read more of his work.
  • Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд
    Draw a line from William Faulkner through the midnight dark of the human soul and at the end of it you will find Cormac McCarthy, picking over the bones of murderer and murdered, like some oracle seeking the truth of the ways of man and god. McCarthy’s god is, at best, indifferent. At worst, malevolent and sadistic.Set in the mythical southern Appalachia of Faulkner, this novel is sparse and stark. It follows an incestuous brother and sister. She bears his child; he abandons it to the elements. The baby is taken by a passing tinker. She sets out to find the baby. The brother sets out to find her. Along the way they encounter good and evil in many forms. Look for no happy ending here.

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Загадка доктора Зака - Леонид Альт

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