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Rasskaz-Sensatsiya: unconventional Russian language textbook / Russian reader
Rasskaz-Sensatsiya: unconventional Russian language textbook / Russian reader
Rasskaz-Sensatsiya: unconventional Russian language textbook / Russian reader
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Rasskaz-Sensatsiya: unconventional Russian language textbook / Russian reader

Автор Ignaty Dyakov

Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд



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'Rasskaz-sensatsiya' ('The Story Sensation') is the first in the series of unconventional Russian language textbooks (Russian readers or Russian easy readers) for Elementary/Pre-Intermediate levels (A1-A2).

Order the audio-book too.

The books written in the form of fun to read detective lines follow the continuing story of George, a Guadeloupean banker embarking on a journey that sees his day to day life set against a series of most peculiar events. In the third book 'Rasskaz-kanonizatsiya' there also is a second, historical storyline, following a Russian professor who fled his country after the Bolshevik 1917 Revolution. Their lives cross... in the book.

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Based on years of his language teaching experience Ignaty was keen to write a series of stories that would teach useful vocabulary and grammar after some of his business clients complained that existing textbooks were boring and had no relation to real life.

“I was inspired by the talent of Mikhail Bulgakov, who mastered the skill of talking about complex subjects in an ironic form, I began writing the book which you can now see”, says Ignaty Dyakov.

So his textbooks are fascinating detective stories with characters from different cultural backgrounds meeting in Guadeloupe, Russia and Europe. They live, love, work and relax. And most importantly they fight the world's evil, show exceptional ethics both in life and their work and give us better understanding of what is kinder and ethical life.

Mr Dyakov said: “There is an understanding that a textbook nowadays should be kind, humorous and inviting as there is far too much negativity around us, especially in the media and on social networks”.

Applied in all Ignaty’s books is an innovative and unusual textbook technique, which has already received much acclaim from eminent Russian specialists.

“Undoubtedly, this textbook makes language learning more fun, interesting and thus less challenging. It can be recommended as an addition to any Russian language textbook for A1-B1 levels - your students will definitely succeed and progress in Russian language learning!” says Professor Galina Levina, vice-provost of The Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, about Ignaty Dyakov's second book, “The Story Provocation”.

And on the first book Professor Lyudmila Verbitskaya, President of St Petersburg State University said: “Unconventional material... Specifics of the pedagogical technology suggested by the author are based on the text principle and oriented at active learning and development of the creative language personality... The work laudably impresses and can be used as a textbook for foreign learners.”

All books have been tested on Ignaty's students who confirm that the story line keeps them intrigued and motivated to read more. This technique helps develop their language skills, and makes the learning process more bearable, if not enjoyable.

Much of the books is conducted in dialogues, and there are lists of new words and questions for conversation practice in every chapter. The stories are written in slightly simplified Russian, to aid recognising and memorising grammar structures.

The audio-versions are available. Wholesale orders are to be placed via Russia Local Ltd (London).

The textbooks have been published and recorded with generous support by Russo-British Chamber of Commerce, Gallus Consulting, Russian National Tourist Office, Mr Guy Willner (publisher of “Stranger in Saint Petersburg” by Vesla Stranger), Mr Raheem Shapi, ctms Corporate Travel Agency, Russia Local Ltd, Roxy Art Ltd.

ИздательIgnaty Dyakov
Дата выпуска22 мар. 2016 г.
Rasskaz-Sensatsiya: unconventional Russian language textbook / Russian reader

Ignaty Dyakov

Biography Ignaty Dyakov is a London-based professional Russian language teacher with Master's degrees in Linguistics and The Political Economy of Russia. He is the author of three unconventional Russian language textbooks (available as paper-backs and audio-books) now used at universities, schools, language courses all over the world. Native of Saint Petersburg he moved to London in 2008 where some time later he established Russia Local Ltd. (http://www.russianinlondon.com), a language-based consultancy which helps international businesses expand in Russia. Russian language training is where the company started and is still a core element of the business. Ignaty's clients are now based in the UK, France, Luxembourg, China, Hong Kong and Russia. They come from all walks of life and work in different areas, e.g. finance and banking, law, architecture, politics and administration. Ignaty's first-hand experience of running a business helps him better understand their needs and requirements. Nevertheless, he continuously develops his skills and this is recognised by the number of awards he has received which include scholarships and grants named after the Russian President and Government, awards from the Ministry for Science and Education and Interros investment fund, as well as a Shell LiveWire 'Grand Ideas' award. He is a member of the Society of Authors, Chartered Institute of Linguists, the Institute of Directors and the Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (UK). He got to the final of the world-wide "Best Russian language teacher outside Russia" award in 2015. He was unable to take part in the final itself due to unexpectedly found tongue cancer which entailed very invasive treatment. Ignaty has been featured in The Times, The Guardian, interviewed by Thomson Reuters, The Voice of Russia, REN TV and BBC Radio 5 Live. He is an eager speaker on doing business in Russia and the Russian language matters; he is frequently invited to talk on different occasions. He enjoys reading, playing chess and learning to play golf, travelling and vegetarian cooking.

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Предварительный просмотр книги

Rasskaz-Sensatsiya - Ignaty Dyakov

Игнатий Дьяков


в помощь изучающим русский язык

(не только для гваделупцев)


Ignaty Dyakov

The story sensation:

for learners of the Russian language

(and not only for Guadeloupians!)

Table of Contents



Глава 1. Что мы знаем о Джордже?

Глава 2. Как узнать Джорджа?

Глава 3. О стиле от Джорджа

Глава 4. Первый сигнал

Глава 5. «Тот» день

Глава 6. «Тот» день (продолжение)

Глава 7. Новый день и новый запрос

Глава 8. Новый день и новый запрос (продолжение)

Глава 9. Спорт и кризис: спортзалы на Гваделупе

Глава 10. Интересное открытие

Глава 11. Грибной суп для клиента

Глава 12. Нет морковки, но...

Глава 13. Вегетарианская партия Гваделупы

Глава 14. Отличное начало дня

Глава 15. Встреча с китайским архитектором

Глава 16. Почта и другие новости из Европы

Глава 17. Не сдерживать эмоции!

Глава 18. Проблема не в европейском этикете

Глава 19. Секретный заказ

Глава 20. Встреча с европейцами

Глава 21. За Джорджем следят

Глава 22. Английский язык

Глава 23. Неожиданный посетитель

Глава 24. Секрет MBA

Глава 25. История ВСОН

Глава 26. Открытый диалог

Глава 27. От открытого диалога к делу

Глава 28. К делу

Глава 29. Предложение, от которого нельзя отказаться

Глава 30. Ответ Чемберлену

Глава 31. Официальное открытое письмо вице-президента НБГ


Список тем LIST of TOPICS

Русско-английский словарь

Об авторе

Короткий саркастический детективный рассказ, написанный в помощь взрослым, изучающим русский язык как иностранный. Рассказ содержит около 800 слов из таких тем, как одежда, еда, политика, офис, спорт, транспорт и бизнес, которые необходимы при каждодневном общении.

5% от продаж этой книги будут перечислены на поддержку 

Детской Деревни СОС в г. Пушкин Ленинградской области.


Редактор: М.А. Ильина

Корректор (английский язык): Пол Руни

Корректор (русский язык): К.С. Оверина

Компьютерный макет: Н.И. Пашковская

Иллюстрации: Грегг Инк (www.greggink.com)

© И.М. Дьяков, 2013

A short sarcastic story, a detective line, written as an aid to making the Russian language study process a little bit more bearable for adult learners. The story contains approximately 800 words from such ­topics as clothes, food, politics, office, sports and gym, transport and business that are required for everyday communication.

5% of all proceeds from the sale of this book will go to support 

the SOS Children’s Village in Pushkin, Russia.

Editor: Marina Ilyina

Proof-reader (English): Paul Rooney

Proof-reader (Russian): Ksenia Overina

Layout: Natalia Pashkovskaya

Illustrator: Gregg Ink (www.greggink.com)

© 2013 Ignaty Dyakov

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted, or reproduced or utilised in any form 

or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, 

including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, 

without permission in writing from the author.

ISBN-13: 978-1481216210 (pbk.)

ISBN-10: 148121621X (pbk.)

Guadeloupe is paradise on earth. Due to a number of factors this island state, now independent of France, has not suffered the financial crisis which hit the rest of the world. Strict rules regulate how the bankers work and they seem to enjoy this. George has been working in the National Bank of Guadeloupe for ten years. Every morning he comes to the office, switches on his computer and listens to the voicemail saying in a nice female voice: You have... no new messages. He enjoys his small rituals as much as he enjoys singing. But one morning the old world was destroyed by a single email from overseas which led to a whole series of events, a wave of new thoughts and unexpected encounters...


Гваделупа — это Рай на Земле. Ряд факторов повлияли на то, что теперь независимое от Франции островное государство не пострадало от финансового кризиса, поразившего весь мир. Строгие правила регулируют деятельность банкиров, а они совсем не против. Джордж работает в Национальном банке Гваделупы уже десять лет. Каждое утро он приходит в офис, включает компьютер и слушает автоответчик — приятный женский голос говорит ему, что у него нет новых сообщений. Ему нравится его маленький ритуал, от этого ему хочется петь еще больше; он любит петь. Но однажды утром его старый мир уничтожен появлением в его электронной почте письма из-за границы. Череда событий, поток новых мыслей и ряд новых встреч ожидают Джорджа впереди...

Необычный материал... Специфика предлагаемой автором педагогической технологии основана на текстовом принципе и заключается в ориентации на  активное обучение и развитие творческой языковой личности... Работа оставляет благоприятное впечатление и может использоваться в качестве одного из пособий для иностранных учащихся.

Л.А. Вербицкая, профессор, 

президент МАПРЯЛ, президент СПбГУ

Незаурядное качество обучения от человека высокообразованного, эрудированного и открытого.

Питер Мантел, 

зам. ген. директора, Транзас

Это уникальный и самобытный подход к обучению языку; читатель получает необходимые при каждодневном общении слова и выражения, погружаясь в захватывающую историю, заставляющую читать и изучать все больше и больше. Действительно, это отход от норм обычного скучного учебника языка.

Ричард Ройял, Председатель, клуб «Консервативные

 друзья России» (Великобритания)

Удачный дебют! Не приходится сомневаться в том, что Пособие будет востребовано всеми, кто, изучая русский язык, с интересом и вниманием относится к настоящему России, ее истории, культуре, людям в ней живущим.

А. С. Зданевич, к.и.н.,

Директор, Российский центр науки и культуры

Дар-эс-Салам, Объединенная Республика Танзания

Unconventional material... Specifics of the pedagogical technology suggested by the author are based on the text principle and oriented at active learning and development of the creative language personality... The work laudably impresses and can be used as a textbook for foreign learners.

Prof. Lyudmila Verbitskaya, 

the President of the International Association of Teachers 

of the Russian language and literature, President 

of St Petersburg State University

Outstanding education from a highly qualified, intelligent and pleasant inpidual.

Peter Mantel, 

Vice-MD, Transas

This is a very unique and original approach to language learning, it gives the reader useful everyday words and phrases in the context of a compelling story that makes you want to read and learn more. A real change from

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