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Автор Laura Lond

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1990's, Moscow, Russia. As the society is discovering capitalism and freedoms of various kinds, the majority of people are left to survive however they prefer. The country descends into chaos, with the newly rich making their own rules. Laws aren't working, jobs are lost, government-issued pensions are not being paid. Crimes are neither solved nor punished…or are they?

A novella. Russian edition.

ИздательLaura Lond
Дата выпуска11 февр. 2012 г.
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Laura Lond

Laura Lond is an internationally published author of several novels and a collection of short stories. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in history. Having worked for 2 years at a literary museum, Laura entered the world of business, working for large international corporations like Xerox Ltd. and Fluor Daniel. After moving from Europe to the United States, she has been self-employed as a freelancer.

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